Sunday, June 19, 2016

June 2016

BCS, RBS - interesting long if market really does stabilize

GBR - another spike higher, looks short fueled - ideally pop and drop tomorrow

ENDP - super beat and think it can get going, but not sure patent news is the spark

DRNA - could be something here with the volume, watching dips

NVAX - r/g looks to be significant

ZAIS - starting to flag, should have lots of short fuel if it goes will be quick

DELT - hoping for follow through but more realistic is all day fade

VMEM - r/g watch for breakout

S - weak open r/g for more

FMSA - curious about 8 break, will be out most before that if r/g sets up nd market still running

MGT - any good pops looking to short, running out of ideas to prop up

CDXC - see reaction to defense, potential to grind further than you think on bounce attempt

INNL - wrong ticker yesterday, same idea - pricing was 7

MCUR - r/g watch

NERV - starting to curl again - watching dips

INO - breakout watch after decent consolidation

EPE - r/g daily chart is massive flag

GBIM - want panic to 3 area for entry, prolly only scalp it, but can also enter r/g

EXAS - weak open for r/g, will be big breakout since hear about poor fundies from twtr

BSPM - r/g since its been working like clockwork

INNI - waiting for a green day before long for bounce

ATW - r/g oil warning

SWHC - expect moves with guns vote coming

CBB - nic break out, watching dips and ideal get r/g move for more