Monday, August 31, 2015

September 2015

RJET - will watch support levels again, had small gain when they held and ramped today.  If goes red will pile in, let market take it down

LABD - be late and avoid train

CERE - one of few stocks trying to run right now

RMTI - bio thats up today, I expect fade with rest

SFUN - continued breakout

GOGO - think news after hours, early pop and crash if market down again

RJET - huge volume, maybe 6 test tomorrow and fade, it clears will see reaction to gap

LABD - will be a trade eventually, will be late to enter as I think will have huge down day if bio bounces

HEAR - short pops, risk 3 or todays highs

KN - waiting direct of 18 over/under

BLPH - fade morning pop or watch for r/g setup

VBLT - don't think this is the end, watching for longs

NYMX - dips til proven wrong

EDAP - looks like chart that just keeps going, watching but no play til red test

VBLT - think hits 12 to fill gap completely

CANF - would like a r/g setup to squeeze shorts think its still got a bunch of them

NYMX - aint fightin it, but should monitor - dips til weakness shows

ACI - want it to test 5, where initial bounce failed - but pending news, can change quick

CAPN - r/g watch

CANF - Volume build again, think it has more in it but looking for lower highs and switching long if support levels hold

TAXI - letting it bounce around 8.50 and will join later

CNCE - r/g ideal

CNAT - will watch open for push to premarket highs or pull to support for an entry

EROS - small bounce, could be decent short swing, entry 31-32 area

VBLT - slow grind then bottom drop today, think more downside for consolidation

AERI - possibly up to 28ish and resume backside

CDTI - r/g, known runner

VVUS - setting up for possible swing, risk 1.50

WGBS - little extended, but think had more to move, eying dips

VBLT - wait for top to test on daily - then failed lower high or buy dips if hits into gap

LAKE - low volume, but climbing fast

INFI - could have nice move if hold above downward trend in morning

P - r/g ideal for me

RLJE - super thin, wait for clear backside, day 2 tomorrow

TIGR, DAEG - same as RLJE - i must have missed news

CANF -offering but many bent and have reason to hold now

ITCI - may come back down now, would like morning push and fail

APDN - its time is coming soon

ADXS - same as before, recovered all the way today, careful when shorting - hard stop for me

MRTX - missed today, watching early pops

ITCI - think overdone, but have to be smart - took loss today - attack later

COLL - r/g watch

ICON - trying to get into gap for a possible swing fill

MRTX - wait for red, been good staying power

VTAE - little fail today

ADXS - see if 20 is resistance, try to enter around there

AQXP - see if someone decides to jam it.  I played this terribly, covered and longed

VTAE - pushing higher, will watch 17

MRTX - believe offering, maybe a bleeder

STRP - thinning up still, but maybe ripe for pull here

AXPW - 3 over/under

ACI - wait for lower high on pushes

TRVN - dips on breakout

AQXP - fuck baker bros - had some short and now covering in 20's.  Will look at dips for buying opps

VTAE - started very small, looking to add

STRP - earnings not takeover like I thought before, still waiting on red before testing waters

KBIO - push to 4 I'll take a small starter swing, add pops once correct and stop at breakout

VTAE - morning pops through 14

STRP - didn't watch but prolly bounces around, extended but need decipline to be safe.  Lower highs on a retest/2nd run up (also think acquisition related move, mostly priced in r/r favor short if falls through

ZSPH - let chasers chase and be ready once they're done fighting for fills

AXPW - short swing type set up

BKS - hope continues to 14

OMER - weak open r/g watch for continued bounce

VNDA - r/g watch

VTAE - nice daily resistance around 16, good spot to start in

KBIO - vol gone, can consolidate or fade off

AKBA - early weakness with investor profit taking then react

W - got squeezed today b/c was greedy - read hit piece and it is weak, also trades thing should leave alone but have few left

AQXP - offering, which given its history think could set traps for shorts

TRVN - r/g watch for me

KBIO - ignored today, saw few pops hindesight - looking tomorrow idea is to swing few days

MPO - watch oil, again not big on these plays

TACO - will let it try get up to 15.50 before monitoring

NAVB - good run up, worth watching now that speeding up

PXLW - think rumor about part of apple release?  sell the news like most apple related noise

LPCN - b/o see if it hold, may be r/g til it doesn't work

KBIO - trying not to be early, could still squeeze some out

AXPW - still think gives up everything but volume gone - carefull, if pops good will enter

TRVN - reactive, staying unbias tomorrow

VRA - maybe mostly investors vs traders but waiting for g/r

TRVN - waiting for large runs with big candles, but still short bias

BAS - kinda like THRX today, morning move either side of 5.50

VLTC - short bias but pops on air - will stay small if I play

FTR - r/g watch

ON - r/g watch

LEI - didn't have borrow when I wanted to enter then didn't want to chase after halt

AXPW - maybe just intraday afterall, no plan to swing right now- any big moves still a short

TRVN - want big gap up for this day 3 - will be looking for entry if early para

ACI - any spikes could start a swing short

MDCO - didn't watch but still monitoring

EFOI - ready for another red day and reason to sell soon - want g/r move

MTRX - thin but could be big move as its at resistance, plan is to play 23 over/under

Let TVIX get away from me and now bailed out, covering since lucky to be green at all

MBI - gap fill and react from there

THRX - at clear pivot point of chart

LEI - oil play but extended

STXS - set risk, 2 at open and size in if right

AXPW - think dead unless PR released (didn't see one to spark run)

TRVN - set risk either way, people not done with it - thinking nice swings again

ACI - no borrows, watching pops if borrows

FORD - morning run would be interested in short around 2

MDCO - only interested in g/r move

BTU - may add in more tomorrow, plan cover around 1.85

ACI - plan is to nibble tomorrow, stayed away so far

AXPW - think maybe another pop then left for dead, will stay small - has long ways to fall

STXS - more fade, watching pops

CWEI - could be violent if oil falls

TVIX - high volatility still

DXLG - big move, tiny volume on average

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