Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March 2016

LEU - had great entry today and only took 10 cents.  Think this can continue to squeeze out.  reacting to emotion at this point

ARGS - watching dips til trend changes, should be nice pull once finally red

TROX - waiting for breakout, market needs to agree

SQ - what a ride up, ready for the pull

COT - next leg, shorts have not had time to breath

PTLA - watching for more again

HRTX - interested in dips, used to have extended moves where it just floated

HIMX - 11 test would be great

VCEL over/under 5.50 on daily

RMTI - looks like could have nice run but low volume, prolly wont play

PTLA - looking for follow through on bounce attempt

per twitter offerings for CPXX and CTRV

VCEL - interested in weak open r/g

APRI - double top so far, start small if short and don't get ran over if it breaks fridays high

KBH - 14 break looks to be significant

CRC - if oil holds

VRX - joining trend again quick scalps
CPXX - looking strong, want dips until para speed up

HQY - nice breakout, should be strong if market cooperates

LEU - big buy filling today - shorts probably caught and lower float now - possibly crazy through 4

 IPHI - wicks bought up, bullish going in

KTOV - short bias after this run, but weak open and grind would also be great trade

CARA - up into the gap, fully expect it to fill

SRPT - think it can do 25+ shortly, but waiting for shorrt signals

PETX - dips to 5 area

ADXS - looking like good buy here, has squeezed me before

CPXX - 10 break, can still move and possibly trapped few

VRX - quick scalps when levels hold

ONTY - looks like 50 sma around 1.25, will base risk to that level

LXU - want weak open and ramp to 15 touch

CYTR - day 3 of bounce, watching for trend shift

CGI - light vol, but like dips in large picture

TOUR - volume picked up, waiting for roll over

SEAS - strong few days, but think needs pullback day

CECO - rebreakout?

TOO - join downward trend

VRX - once green think will have 3 day run

VCEL -morning reaction, most probably still quick to short

BTU - r/g watch

ASTC - volume going quick, but like a fade off pops

RXK - silver, moves been going much further/longer than I think so small size

CBK - gap filled, still want r/g for follow through

YRD - might be a day early tomorrow, but will be a decent pull aftr this second ramp

SRPT - entering gap, worth a small size swing long

BTU - crazy trader, longing on support hold for spikes

LEU - played too much size and shoock - pops tomorrow after what looks like big gap

ASTC - short bias wait for pops

BPI - huge move will correct next few days

CVRR - short when oil turns over

ERII - possible 10 test

LNCO - hoping for secondary squeeze

EPE - same thing, don't think either very likely

LEU - cautious of grinding action, will play both sides

ORIG - no big pull yet

EMES -same thing

PLG - small volume but 3.50 big break out

NVIV - slowing down, joining red

UNFI - r/g or g/r

EGLE - not touching til backside but on watch

CRC - one of weaker ones today

NVIV - will not step in front of

PRAA - nice run up, think another day or 2 but shorting on red

will try to get better at posting daily lists
SGMS - big 9 test, over/under there and vwap as guild later

JCP = dip bought, r/g watch or vwap fails later

IO - breaking downtrend, watch with oil

CECO - patient for when people start to be underwater and then short pops

WTI - day 3 tomorrow, parabolics for shorts only - if hold out of gate can look at dips

CKEC - trend, good range expected

AGIO - bottoming setup

TROV - 6 dollar breakout

EBIX - nice extension move, short on red

KATE - same thing


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