Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 2015

HMNY - not sure if shortable

TCON - didn't break yesterday highs

CRMD - think over extended but chart proving me wrong

EYES - expect more red tomorrow

APPY - stolen from Pedone on twitter, nice long setup
HMNY - 4.75 to peak few times, this should end ugly, waiting for red day is safer

BIOC - volume still increasing, day 4 prolly not long enough

CLRX - hear 2nd offering, crazy

CRMD - what a bounce from 4.58ish - crazy run may not be done

GLMD - r/g watch

TCON - r/g watch

CRMD - chased and got caught, have small pos - played 5 crack which held

CAPN - high fliers getting hit, back to 4s soon

BIOC - day 3 tomorrow and screwed w/ lot of good traders, waiting for day 4 and happy to miss

HMNY - prolly too thin to trade, spread will scare me

CHGG - contract, lots of chasers - give another day of low to no more upside

CYBR - didn't realize 2 bucks was a scalp jeez big money there

CAPN - can buy when support holds, shorts were all over this before, now more

CRMD - this is one where I ignore stop, last spot for stop is 5.5- don't be dumb

ASMB - bought up little at end of day

CTSO - expect some resistance to set in here

RIGL - see if 3 cracks tomorrow

AXN - watch weak open r/g

EGRX - short bias but SSR on

CYBR - will be plenty of backside stay safe

ASMB - end looks close

CLSN - short bias longer term, but reactive here

THRX - holy cow this thing grinds
GENE - time?  or another gap up?

EGRX - see if 40 is peak

ASMB - monitoring for a top - smart to wait for g/r

ANGI - 7 test in am

ITCI - look for more downside

PFNX - watch around todays highs

CAPN - late add

GENE - dirty dirty stock - think id you somehow went long and held

FXEN - time to start?

EGRX - thankfully did not start

VISN - fade is what i'm looking for

ANGI - fucked with me today-should knw better than to short earnings day 1

ITCI - 6 straight

RCKY - end seems near, waiting another day -re eval thurs

GENE - got fucked trying for 10 break

IBIO - ran before, may have squeeze power

PFNX - only on confirmed backside

VISN - big move but bullish because of earnings

ROIAK - looking for a rollover

ROSG - big volume, day 2 coming

EGRX - big move, see how it holds

RCKY - r/g for more or gap up para, pretty big move here

WWE - roll over watch, overextended  up here imo

GENE - will most likely be limited to long side

ATOS - think sympathy play

SGNL - closed around breakout spot, long bias - r/g would be prefered

CRIS - 2 test

SQNS - hopeful gap and para

YDLE - thin, watch 13 level

AETI - para moves



PFNX - only trading morning so long bias again - day 3

ANTH - r/g setup

PRSS - see if resistance now support and risk to here

NTWK - ss and para move gives up early gains

ANTH - 4 test, think it can break

BLDP - gap up para

CONN - rolling over?

PFNX - long bias tomorrow

PRSS - at resistance

ECTE - on watch for continuation

CBMG - no volume but interesting move

CBAK - 3 para

ADES - may start swing

COMM - started to and didn;t lock in.  Took 20 cents on half position

PSTR - opposite of morning move

ADES - slowing down

CONN - reactive

CHRS - big range

COMM - risk to whole dollar

PSTR - now think it may have another move up, holding gap up

EVRY - day 1 and low price

ADES - gave up daily gains friday

ATV - 1 of main watch, huge spike and fade

COMM - still watching, have small swing on

PSTR - pops for continued fade

LPI - 15 test

GURE - loosing interest, may be everyone is

QKLS - para and fade is ideal for me tomorrow

GLUU - has catalyst, think can run higher

LQDT - now I see why so many tweets about this ticker

COMM - went red, best I've done keeping up with a stock and not letting it go off radar



GURE - possible 2 test and fade

CRMD - r/g watch looks like more strength

BGMD - start to top

COMM - not done yet, think 30 mag now

GENE - advantage only in trend quick plays

BGMD - want r/g move

GURE - missed on friday, day 2 tomorrow i guess

COMM - risk 28.5/last week highs, could fade nicely with market

CRMD - lower high than thurs

OFG - larger than normal move

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