Sunday, March 1, 2015

March 2015

GMAN - was early here - will average up

GENE - cautious of continuation before shorting

REFR - waiting for short side

CLF - beat up chart, possible swing

CRMD - sold gains

RKUS - swing idea

VBLT - will be covering tomorrow at some point

ORMP - look for support to hold and get a pop

SEED - volume dried but same idea

KRFT - 90 reject

NVGN - positive new, buy dips play

HQCL - watching

LEVY - a red day brings sellers

SEED - 1.60 over/under again

HQCL - trying to slowly enter - big moves best for entry

RADA - at support from daily charts - fades and i stop looking at it

LIME - careful on way up - was early last run

GMAN - could be backside with red day in place

RALY - theres the profit - careful if dips bought and r/g

VBLT - into the gap now - waiting for a direction - didn't expect move today or volume

SEED - watch 1.60 level if holds tomorrow could run a few days

GMAN - watching pops, stops at 6.50

RALY - been straight up - profit taking expected soon

RTRX - r/g watch

VBLT - eyeing pops

HQCL - hopefully a push out of the gate

RADA - another day of consolidation would be good for long side

RTRX - r/g watch

NXTD - looking for another leg up

CORT - flipping bias to bullish

VBLT - pretty strong today - pops on air - will wait a day and start swing

ESSX - r/g should give nice pop

SEED - haven't looked for news for pop but at resistance now

RADA - think it will continue, big news for them

CORT - still more bearish - dropping gains during day

QUNR - start watching for weakness

VBLT - turning of the tides

RTRX - red could be nice pull

HQCL - weak open r/g squeeze

NXTD - 4 stuff

REPH - think has more up side before pull

GLMD - r/g watch

CORT - little safer to short now

ENVI - couldnt hold

MVIS - would assume 3.50 mag

AFMD - see if it hold breakout here

MVIS - looking for more pull

FOLD - r/g watch

CORT - extending now - would assume pop into close as shorts cover for w/e

VBLT - will try to be patient, big pop havent looked at numbers

REPH - careful of another leg after dips bought up

CNDO - scared to start in after 1 day with bio, but lower highs looking at pops

STRL - watching but still think to early

MVIS - tomorrow looking good, ideal gap up ender

REPH - bought back up, but bearish for now

BDE - can go r/g again

AFMD - r/g watch

AST - would look to buy dips

CORT - wait for it

MELA - dips bought - will wait til red holds

AXN - weak open buy dips - daily chart bullish

REPH - r/g watch

MVIS - starting to look for entry - day 3 tomorrow

AST - careful here

EYES - pop after ssr again - ideally see 12s tested next few days

REPH - still scared of this guy for now

MELA - looking at pops, think more of  technical bounce and squeezed

AMRN - watch first 10 min and gauge direction

LBIO - barely red, don't expect much panic.  Need plan either way

AST - start looking for entry, careful if holds for 2 days

REPH - long bias if it holds 1 more day

AMRN - gap up para

AST - would like weak open

LBIO - r/g watch

AMPE - think 9 would be interesting spot

REPH - light vol

AXN - closed strong - let it peak out

AST - b/o will be patient watching

CBMG - pulling a little

EYES - see if pops on ssr like before

DRRX - possible next leg shortly

AXN - now think daily shows it holding

REPH - confirmed trend before entry short

AST - holding 6, long bias til that fails

CRMD - only interested in pops, lot longer way down

EYES - had earnings afterhours, dont think earnings support price here but suck as these momo earnings reads

REPH - day 2 now, looks like strong resistance at 6 from daily

CRMD - r/g been working

AXN - short bias, lower highs

RMGN - careful with SSR and high volume

DRRX - insider buy, would want r/g move

DRRX - heard insider transactions, prolly won't play

CRMD - r/g watch, hoping gap up day will mark end

RMGN - not overly bearish as stuff been running

AST - see if can finally hold 6

ADXS - think will test 52s again

ARQL - like r/g move on these

CRMD - weak open, base and r/g

WBAI - read good news about china as whole - long bias with SSR

ANY - waiting for para or red cross after first hour

OHRP - lower high from thurs

AXN - looks like technical bounce - swing candidate

NTLS - continuation

CRMD - need to start stalking

EYES - this sucker will hang for a bit, see if it ever gets back under 14

VSLR - think solar likes to run few days, will hold off unless crazy para

ATRA - interesting chart here - saying be bullish to me

MIXT - r/g watch

AVEO - if breaks todays highs and holds

OHRP  - r/g watch

OREX - need to be long bias finally - everyone thinks bios will run

CAPN - r/g watch

ONCY - gap down wash

MBLX - former runner - watching traps

TCON - tomorrow looks to test red - wait for pops

OHRP - waiting for red and a lower high

ARQL - holding up well, possible next leg shortly

OREX - should get murdered at open/pre and crowded with shorts after

EYES - see if SSR squeeze again

CYCC - potential backside now

ONCY - gap up para hope

TCON - r/g watch with 20 potential resistance

OHRP - trends

DRAM - monster vol for this stock - r/g would be great

EYES - crazy strength from SSR on

CYCC - big fade friday

ARQL - possible backside now, had 1st red

TCON - think further pullback - big run last week

AXPW - swing long, stolen from Pedone

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