Sunday, May 31, 2015

June 2015

FREE -  Reverse split and think continues its fade

DMRC - super thin, but trying to keep an eye on it.  dip bought back up but overextended

BLRX - wait for a base and grind for set risk

COVS - volume coming in, think can go.  Looking for longs

IVAC - possible failed follow through after big vol day

CBLI - big news afterhours yesterday and closed up 90%, kinda looks like 5 would hold if tested.  Been wrong on these but will be looking for a long setup and switch short if peaks out before r/g

GDOT - r/g move could see 21.6s or 7s

LNTH - ipo'd today, if breaks those highs can get going with these plays being hot lately

IPI - short bias, would risk off 12.50

ICLD - like r/g move, looks like starting to grind and good swing if you average in risking 2.50

ZIOP - does it pop 12.50 this time?  22% short float could push back to 14s near term

EPE - grinding daily chart, sorry for all the swings but thats what I see tonight

SGYP - 3 day day, think could get push and more down side

GDOT - early para for a short entry

WATT - big run and looking for follow through momo - long bias at open

ICLD - chart could have more in it, long bias but chaser size

GALE - bounce, think short near 2

IXYS - extension watch, needs pull to start  the dominos

SGYP - could fail further, kinda interested in 8 level

POZN - r/g watch still, but extended so have set risk on long

EPZM - faded a bit, but like long side

XOMA - early vol could push into breakout to test 5 short term

PGNX - big wick, but breakout chart

AMRN - pretty nice flag on verge of breaking higher

SGYP - still looking at 9 line for a move either way

MSO - breakout and day 3 tomorrow, assuming large volume, looking for entry short

EPZM - from twitter hear positive news-bio stock, lots of runners like this recently - prolly gap up  22ish and test 22.50 for breakout

BCRX - extending looking at 16 over/under

FIT - thinking might have crazy IPO run
SGYP - offering out but held so far, looking at 9 for support, 41 mil volume is nuts, 21% short float

ADMS - thin but could alternate g/r days, short with set risk and obey stop

MSO - think prior highs hold, but that goes against what market has been doing so will switch and join if breakout

CLUB - don't think that news should have staying power, retrace tomorrow

NYRT - 10.50 over/under which is just r/g whichever holds

ARO - swing idea

VGGL - thinking 2 bases, swing idea

ARAY - coming back to the gap

SGYP - r/g watch

SHOP - r/g or g/r and add to weakness

AMCC - strong close, watching dips

DANG - b/o room to 12.50 - weak open with 11 holding would be ideal

XNET - r/g for b/o

EYES - close to b/o set risk set ups

POZN - r/g watch til wrong

MOBI - rangebreak and join

POZN - dips on this breakout

HRTX - needs trend to finally break
OGEN - r/g watch, lots still running

SIGM - long bias after consolidation

AOI - got a red day, will pile into weakness

DSKX - volume fading, but long bias in this consolidation

ISLE - looks to have big day once breaks range from last few days

ANTH - r/g watch

EYES - looking for 16 break and hold for run

6/15 let one stock hurt me, need to fix that and cut sooner
OGEN - want early pop to enter in on, risk friday highs

MOBI - nice breakout, looking at dips

SEED - 2.80 break for 3 quickly

DSKX - bullish recovery friday for possible squeeze higher

KEYW - watching, have to be disiplined and not get run over

HRTX - will watch, this is the one hurting me lately

ARAY - would like r/g move into the gap

KZ - r/g watch

AOI - r/g watch basically until it doesn't work

VICL - starting to extend but don't like playing this low of priced stock

OHGI - r/g watch

ISLE - extending nothing to hold short being a friday tomorrow

RGSE - tempting swing attempt here, think it has potential to hit 5 near term

DANG - hear good news on twitter, worth watching for setups

6/11 - disappointed, let HRTX burn me today, had been nice and patient and consistent last few weeks
DSKX - looks to be gap and fail set up, will not let run against me - will be wrong if necessary

GALT - cheap way to play RCPT

OGEN - over under 1.40 resistance in daily

CCIH - r/g watch for breakout - careful of all day fade to 14

SYMX - swing idea, i would be small risk to 1.20 target 2.50ish

HRTX - 100 shares short back account 28 avg
OCLS - was wrong last night and now looking at 1.50 for possible bounce area

RCPI - have to see premarket action, I think gaps down pulls at open and bases for ramp back - if gap up looking for morning pop and fail

LPTH - look for parabolic moves, lots of wicks and doesn't seem to hold gains through day

AXN - held 2.50 line, technical b/o still in play

MRNS - volume spike, need a lower high ideally after a morning push and will enter short

SEED - hoping for r/g - richjr with nice call on this
GRO - sympathy play may get going to - very bullish setup with seed possibly sparking it

OCLS - big news today and got crazy afterhours - potential to have crazy run, havent had one for a little bit

AXN - huge run afterhours, same potential to be big multi day runner, will be long bias both

MNKD - massive short float here - I am still being squeezed on few hundred share position.  Not adding until down trend on daily - possible cuting before

OHGI - theres the pop from consolidation I worry about, next leg should be in process- r/g watch

GI - hard to read because IPO recently, r/g watch

ZIOP - nice curl so far, could have a nice pop soon (this week worth watching)

RDRX- have a set risk for the short, has a long way to fall, don't be too early and ran over

SINA - extended but need set risk, looking for topping

WBAI - r/g watch for breakoout

HRTX - hold any level should squeeze

GALE - see if 2.10 area holds, could have nice pop

6/5  prolly real light trading and even shorter than usual - normal work stuff to get done
HRTX - short overnight - late day ramp shows strength will cover morning wash and flip position on r/g.  Only 100 shares short

RXDX - volume drying, looking to get short using hod today as stop if entering before set risk

WOWO - weak open for another crazy pop - wait for grinding

FEYE - news about govt hacking from twitter - could also play CYBR

INO - news on twitter, positive and expect nice pop at open - if gaps big wait for pullback

PTN - same idea as INO

HRTX - only 1 day consolidation, doesn't seem done yet but will be short bias from this run

RXDX - r/g watch again, also think afternoon fade likely(bigger than today)

TANH - r/g watch and hopefully push through 20

VLTC - lucky I covered my swing on monday - can gap and run to 10 easy, interested in how it reacts there

CAPN - 4 pretty clear spot to risk to long

XNET - flagging and think another pop out of range coming but bigger picture

TROV - nice looking breakout attempt tomorrow

UTIW - interesting as gets close to start the gap, want more volume as a sign

JAKK - over/under 8 for the breakout - r/g may be best to spark it
HRTX - Risk off of 24, careful if bases for 2 days

ESI - thinking morning sell off, waiting for it to base for a ramp

RXDX - r/g watch

IMGN - reactive only think it sticks around todays range

GEVO - looks like start to longer term move up

CRC - pretty clear support on daily, possible swing but oil play and don't follow oil

ESI - thinking 6 will hold as resistance

HRTX - everything flies right now, so expecting higher

IMGN - waiting for buyers to exhaust themselves, prolly wont touch short for another day or 2

RXDX - looking for dips, news/results seem big

VBLT - weak open, 8 level holds and ramp is ideal play

ONTY - waiting for clear trend

ESI - start to monitor, will be short bias

VBLT - long bias as it hits the gap

HRTX - weak open r/g or gap up and pull

ONTY - seems like lots of news over weekend - long bias to start

VIMC - breakout, looks like should have few day run

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