Friday, May 1, 2015

May 2015

PBMD - think backburner slow death now, swing idea

CBLI - over under 3 tomorrow

CERE - hoping for a squeeze to enter on, thinking around 3.50

VBLT - watch for 8 break, could fill gap

CLLS - r/g watch

MNKD - will add to early short position - should be hitting resistance here

PLUG - mainly cause of history, but could break downtrend here

PBMD - still in same range, thinkin range break safest play here

CBLI - want closer to 4 before I start in

ATNM - test todays highs and look for weakness

MOMO - back on r/g watch suckers been strong

EHIC - see if can break 14, missed today

VBLT - possible buy rumor sell the news setup

BZUN - r/g watch again

AAOI - 20 push and sit back

JRJC - got rid of some bags, chart set hit 7s possible 8

PBMD - reactive, still tons of volume goin no bias

KUTV -  want to try to wait another day here - still looking for any obvious weakness

SRPT - wait for  a rangebreak on these

EHIC - still chuggin, still need to monitor - china names making moves

PBIB - weak open r/g type move

LONG - huge range, be little late not early and ran over

YOKU - extending here

RWLK - broke down trend

BZUN - r/g watch

PBMD - could not have been more wrong, still feel short bias but need to look at the setup- still strong

ISR - also strong, think most attention will be PBMD so could get nice fade

RELY - nice IPO run, starting to extend afraid to be early

MOMO - liking a r/g move

SRPT - risk to today's highs

EHIC - gap up para for blow off soon, hopeing tomorrow and i'm there

CMCM - stayed green

PBMD - prolly wont find shorts but wow what a spike - havent checked news

ONTY - missed move today, possible swing here

CAS - needs to break 6 to hold a short

GIGA - massive volume and think will fade more, but want close to 3 for entry

MOMO - incredible short interest, will look for long setups

AMCN - nice pop, wait for lower high and set risk, stupid run from 2

CMCM - nailed small move before - pick entries and cut quickly

BONA - r/g watch

MNKD - looks like 5 mag
GBR - 2.50 test and fail

ONTY - wait for run ups and 2.90 stop

CAS - chugging along, getting extended should be this week it pulls

HOTR - r/g

OSUR - think tests 8 at some point tomorrow, but short bias

CHOP - think mainly technical bounce and coming back down

MNKD - early today, maybe tomorrow fade

PANL - real light, quick hits on pops

NES - r/g watch

VBLT - ssr on but short bias

CAS - looking for pops, careful if 6 becomes support

ONTY - think still front side so looking for longs

CMCM - breakout chart, but extended

SGYP - news afterhours and ran.  looing for longs

VBLT - wait for a lower high and enter, room to pull after this move

OHGI - ssr on, still looking at any good pops

CAS - r/g watch

NTLS - r/g watch

FES - on because of range - reactive trade for me

AMCN - 5.23 break for 52s

RVLT - nice looking swing chart

OPK - another leg in this big move, faster than last baren;y pulled any be careful

CROX - extending here

sick so just tickers and shorter scan

GEVO - let it squeeze but should be good opportunity if you can find shares

RYI - those wicks make me more long bias for r/g

LOJN - same setup day later

PTBI - still consolidating and could pop anyday

PTIE - r/g watch

HOTR - testing breakout area

EVDY - think run about over and will look for lower highs

PLPM - r/g watch

PTBI - could get crazy again if breaks highs - expecting gap up for nice push

ATV - r/g watch

RYI - dip bought, think may pop tomorrow - enter on dips if they come

VGGL - patience on entry, should be big move

NYMX - ripe for pop

ICLD - r/g watch

TROV - r/g watch

BBRY - breakout chart and hear options been hot

PTBI - will continue to look for long setups

GEVO - gap up pqrq or weak open r/g push

ICLD - r/g watch

ALDR - looking at pops

CHOP - looks like dead cat bounce

ZU - BABA stake this weekend

WIFI - testing breakout on daily

CROX - r/g watch

REXX - swing with gas

PTBI - ready if red roll, but VLTC flirted for a little and destroyed people - i will stay small

FATE - took a few for possible gap, but not looking good.

ZEUS - been getting a pop and fade - real low volume

ICLD - looks like another down day with ssr off, only attempt pops and risk to 4 for me

TOUR - r/g watch breakout chart

ICLD - completely wrong, and didn't touch it - short with set risk

PTBI - float rotated MANY times - sell didnt fill eod, have few shares left

VLTC - hope money leaves and goes to PTBI, but ssr on and PTBI could actually spark it

CDTI - massive pop, likes to fade after similar moves

CLF - daily grind, seeing 52% float short - close to cover spot

SSE REN- oil play
SDRL - close to hitting gap
ICLD - think I'll try to be long bias this sucker since VLTC took me for a ride

DGLY - know this guy can fly, not many shorts here though

IMH - i've stayed away so far, but keeping on watch

FRM - r/g watch

PTBI - small float - new shareholder news, people relating it to VLTC and Icahn

VLTC - should resume fade

IMH - extending here - set risk on a short

BOSC - r/g watch

BCOR - r/g watch

LLNW - breakout chart, had nice run last time - r/g watch

DGLY - chart ready for a pop

VLTC - big bounce and prolly squeezes more - have 200 shorts

GNE - no volume, but potential short if small

BLVD - monster range and thing trend way to go


TWI - grinding on daily

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