Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December 2015

WTW - new year resolutions with Oprah, shouldn't move a stock this much but does - not fighting tomorrow

VUZI - r/g ideal, looking for more upside

CMRX - insider buy, should have action - reactive

FXCM - low vol fader tomorrow, looking at pops

AVXL - hoping for borrows for swing
RWLK - thinking this move over as insiders sell

VKTX - a double on no news?  careful of squeeze but should collapse nicely

ADMS - if holds one more day will be very bullish setup

ROVI - looking overbought to me, waiting for clear sign and risk

REXI - maybe push to 5.50 and fade away again

FXCM - could catch a bunch of people short, will watch for grinding, sell on pops

CNIT - push to 2.50 and fail, watching size cause of slow computer may ignore come open

ADMS - watching for previous close break either way

TOO - maybe early but think will have a day where it fades all day soon

RWLK - ready for red to attack, think low vol end of week propped it

TGP - same as TOO

REXI - watching 5 break, hold or fail to join

RWLK - low float but more downside room

ENPH - dips for breakout

ATNM - dips for breakout

RUN - looking for previous close break in either direction after morning move

FXCM - r/g watch

OHRP - dips for continuation

FMI - reaction to 25 if makes it

SCTY - morning pull, reaction from there

FXCM - weak open and 10 test

SUNE - waiting on trend tomorrow, starting fresh

RUN - r/g watch also like g/r

SCTY - waiting for it to roll over

LL - looking for strength

SEDG - looks like will have nasty pull coming days

SWHC - still on watch, tight channel most of today

UDF - wait for topping, didn't lock in today and paid

FXCM - r/g or pop and fail at open, try to avoid grind

TXMD - could pop off gap area or fade all day

BPMX - I plan to wait another day

AVXL -  bought in on my swing and looking at this fresh

UDF - waiting for bounce to fail

SWHC - got best of me friday, looking for emotional pops to enter and add g/r

UVXY, TVIX - prolly play TVIX but watch both, short if any spy strength

DGAZ - wait for g/r type move since ETF

FNSR - buying any dips

WFM - dips for 35 break

EDE - r/g ideal

INVT - no rush in but looking for pull after near double in a day

LIVE - next leg started, looking at dips until speed up

RCON - push and fail, have set risk on short 2.50 most

TXMD - looking to break range before weekend, thinking highs

GPRO - dips, risk on todays lows

CAMP - r/g watch

EROS - daily building, good swing chart

EYES - r/g think may have a silly day soon

SWHC - r/g watch

NAVI - good build up possible swing if right entry
ERY - watching r/g for now, starting to extend so any gap up and g/r move also interested

WMIH - ready for a pull but will have set risk incase it goes crazy

EFUT - bullish candle on daily but looking for weakness from bounce

ZAGG - r/g or gap push for a g/r move as this is speeding up

INSY - bouncing right now, think could get close to 30 with crowded short name

ATV - crazy volume spike today, not sure if news or not - only enter on pops, i'll be quick to cover

XBIT - headlines suggest good trial, should be good volume and range, long bias to begin

GIGA - potential bounce

IDRA - r/g watch

SWHC - r/g watch

NWL - join trend after morning move

RLYP - r/g and 30 break

RLYP - held some over after switching long when rumor hit and I got smacked.  Looking for dips to add on r/g if weak open - pretty high short interest, prolly caught some others short too

ATV - waiting for lower highs

LIVE - r/g watch

PBY - Icahn stake on Friday, opening dips - much bigger float than other recent billionaire action

ATV - gonna be on watch for a bounce coming days

KBIO - lookin to buy dips, another squeeze on more news - won't be greedy, trying to be in and out more frequent

MEET - r/g watch, like this breakout retest

SCTY - gap filled, see how it reacts - good volume may push through

ATV - 12 may find some support - tomorrow better tell

KBIO - 30 break if shares avail

VNCE - volume pick up, maybe 7 touch and pull

SCTY - gap fill idea

ZAGG - r/g breakout, just not very volatile

ATV - want to wait for long set up, but may get para pain for shorts and real short opp - not sure if anyone will have shares available

GIGA - gave up a lot, another run and fade

DHRM - chart support here around 3, looking for 3 to hold and grind for pop - prolly gaps one way and have to wait for support

CLNT - much lower volume, could trap easier but short bias going in

VNCE - slow creep to fill gap

EMKR - looking at dips for continued breakout

RLYP - r/g watch and 25 break would be big win

WMGI - looking for 23 break, these been going lately

LMT - from twitter - contract news

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