Monday, January 4, 2016

January 2016

AMDA - possible gap up and 4 test, be patient should have good range again

TRXC - morning pop with market and fade

GLNG - trendbreak to downside watch

TEX - join range break from last 2 days

CRUS - g/r or r/g depending on open - think g/r after premarket float

ISIL - hope 13 test and fail

XON - would be nice looking move on chart r/g

SCTY - want r/g here too

GLNG - 2nd leg forming

TEX - day 2-accept for over under 24, want red roll

ENOC - looking for bounce but be super strict trying to find bottom

CBLT - assuming follows market lead, reaction trade

 MRCY - eying for follow through, maybe around 20 will be big test

SGOC - only looking at longs due to float

ENOC - lots more room to fade like zfgn did

ARGS - heard they need to raise soon

ZFGN - waiting that pop to 9ish hopefully

GLNG - looking for rollover

TROV - want a deadcat bounce in this too

ANFI - r/g 11 break

SWFT - large % float short, see how it settles - trucking sector had strong day, many others up

WTW - last oprah tweet carried few days

SCTY - possible swing on 35 break

ENOC - move to 8+ and fade - need clear backside and set risk

TROV - ignored, should watch pops

ZFGN - waiting for bounce, then short 2nd or 3rd day

ANFI - r/g watch

TYC - want a r/g move

GFI - dips on market weakness

CRAY - r/g or gap up run and fail

TROV - early move and fade plan going in

SPHS - like to see r/g move

ZFGN - volume fading, like it to test low of gap

GLNG - never broke key level friday, think was 17 - have to pull it back up

HDP - more fade after this bounce - may have to wait til mid week

TWTR - reactive since it had news today about board changeup and people quitting/firing
UVXY, VXX - whichever is shortable, if bounce continues, think there is still lot of premium built into price

VHC - r/g ideal

ZFGN - not one to go size on, but lots of range - looking for squeeze area early and join backside

ECPG - early push and fade, likely very influenced by overall market

TWTR - don't expect follow through since moved on rumor - short bias

VHC - yet to trade this, push and fail off again

VSAR - 13 over/under

JASO - looking for a fade

VXX, UVXY - quick scalps, mostly long with the turmoil on futures

SGI - 7 break or lower highs and join backside

VHC - over/under 4

TMH - morning run and fade

CALM - 50 break and back watch for 45 break if no follow through

VXX - was short 100 shares over weekend

VHC - failed follow though as enters daily resistance

ATV - all day fader shortly

SGI - r/g or parabolic entrance

BSI - short bias but need a set risk so not ran over, starting very small since has lots of room to fade

WMB - possible 20 touch, very stubborn today on short side

IPCI - dips and really like a r/g

RDUS - early gains and fade off

AKRX - ideal gap up and fades off

ATV - would like early move up to around 10 to enter

LABD - great chart reminder to wait for backside and be little late vs 10 dollar move early

CYBR - unbiased, just know will have range and volume

NHTC - would like to see 25+ speed up to enter short

EARS - early bounce and fade

ATV - vol mostly gone, but joining trend prolly range break for action

LABD - think could have a nice 45 break

SMCI - earnings related, starting long bias

BURL - morning emotion and watching trend

AAN - daily resistance, looking for failed followthrough to short

EGHT - potential long term short with risk on 12 - no size til 10.50 test

AKRX - analyst suggest may delist and book value like 4 bucks per twitter

DV - buyout rumors, seem to run 3-4 days then fade if not true

CHUY - looking at dips for more breakout, eye on market for help

BIG - early pops to 40 to enter - set risk before entering

1/12 trading light with practices starting back up
LABD - closing in on last pull back highs - need to watch IBB

ATV - opening push and fade

SIEN - dips for b/o and 10 push - gap fill

FXCM -  gap up 18 push and fade

LPTH - rang break should be nice pop long

M - dip buys for more run
LEI - squeezed me and emotional cover - need to learn to stick to long side on these low floats

GSI - early emotion, thinking dips for now (premarket pending)

AETI - really light vol, only major para or washes

LTPH - now i'm ready for red to hold

SWHC - more breakout watching dips

NLS - 2 big up days, looking for weakness to enter into short

BIN - maybe small swing for more gap fill

FXCM - sob only filled 10 of my shares at exact day high, sold rest for stubborn loss - short bias again

FRAN - back watch for end of week

LEI - think caught some people like me trying to enter end of day short, so have some overnight.  Could also just be short covering as relatively light volume

GSI - reactive after halt today

LPTH - interested in r/g move like today

FXCM - expect more fade after that squeeze, but 3 down straight has been close to bounce recently

FCEL - volume can push a bit higher, ideally enter in r/g grind

AVXL - want 6.50ish test and possibly enter for swing

NAV - higher lowes and set risk, but think can have nice spike

SWHC - fought short before and now looking to join long for more highs

oil and gold names looking for breakouts

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